Libido romantico

dir. Justyna Wielgus

200 years ago, the premiere of “Ballads and Romances” was accompanied by moral scandal and social unrest. Mickiewicz was accused of immorality and perversion.

He spoke the language of a group of the lowest social status, giving them the right to embody their fantasies and desires. Overflowing with eroticism, sensuality and amorous frenzy, the texts also fulfilled an emancipatory role, becoming a manifesto of a new sensibility, abolishing class hierarchies and postulating a democracy of feelings. With his Ballads, he introduced new, socially unacceptable images that struck hard at bourgeois prudery. Can his texts today evoke similar anxiety?

In “Libido Romantico,” actors, actresses, and creators challenge contemporary society. Reaching for the classic and (seemingly) tamed, national, hallowed texts of the national bard, they find their voice in them, claiming the right of people with disabilities to love and to sexuality.


Theatre 21 has bravely broken down stereotypes about theatre work with disabled people. The company’s actors are primarily people with Down’s syndrome and autism spectrum disorder, who have become full participants in stage life. Theatre 21’s productions can be seen on the stages of renowned theatres and festivals, and the company increasingly cooperates with various institutions, while its members also carry out their own projects.

fot. Monika Stolarska
fot. Monika Stolarska
fot. Monika Stolarska
fot. Monika Stolarska
fot. Monika Stolarska
fot. Monika Stolarska
fot. Monika Stolarska
fot. Monika Stolarska
fot. Monika Stolarska
fot. Monika Stolarska

Spektakl rekomendowany osobom od 16 roku życia

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Date and time Entry
30 May 2023
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31 May 2023
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9 June 2023
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5 January 2024
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6 January 2024
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13 January 2024
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14 January 2024
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